Friday, September 28, 2012

Are You Kidding? Who Has Time To Cook Healthy?
Exasperated? Overwhelmed? Too busy? Frustrated? Dumbfounded? Tired?
Do these feelings flood over you on a daily basis? Put on the brakes. Grab a cup of tea and let's have a heart to heart. Did you know that a few minutes of planning can save you hours of time and brain space each day/week/month?
When I get overwhelmed with all I have to do, I grab my notebook and pencil and start writing it all down. Somehow the act of brain to paper unloads my heavy burden as I attempt to tame my day. Once the page is full I give each task an ETA (Estimated Time of Accomplishment) and then add up the minutes on the page. This tells me whether my duties outweigh the hours. Another words, can I actually get it all done? If not, I see if there's anything I can move to the next day. Then I give each duty a number of importance and a time frame.
30 min. - 7:00-7:30 - Lemon "tea", email and FB
45 min. - 7:30-8:15 - Work out
30 min. - 8:15-8:45 - Water garden
30 min. - 8:45-9:15 - Shower and dress
15 min. - 9:15-9:30 - Eat breakfast
30 min. - 9:30-10:00 - Meditation
30 min. - 10:00-10:30 - Clean kitchen
15 min. - 10:30-10:45 - Choose recipes
15 min. - 10:45-11:00 - Make ingredient list
90 min. - 11:00-12:30 - Grocery shop
60 min. - 12:30-1:30 - Make and eat lunch
60 min. - 1:30-2:30 - Put away groceries
10 min. - 2:30-2:40 - Make quinoa and rice
60 min. - 2:40-3:40 - Prep vegetables and put away
4:00 tea
10 min. - 3:40-3:50 - Prep carrot lemonade juice veggies
10 min. - 3:50-4:00 - Prep beet juice veggies
10 min. - 4:00-4:10 - Prep lemonade fruits for juice
10 min. - 4:10-4:20 - Prep Kale apple juice veggies
30 min. - 4:20-4:50 - Tea and snack time. Answer emails.
60 min. - 4:50-5:50 - Clean kitchen
55 min. - 5:50-6:45 - Plan gluten free recipes for cooking class
75 min. - 6:45-8:00 - Pizza with hubby
13 hours
Lately, this has been necessary since I now must make all my food from scratch. Being gluten and dairy intolerant means I can't rely on quick food fixes anymore. Priorities have shifted. So, I thought I would share "A day in the life of a gluten free, dairy free chef".
Today is grocery shopping day. The first thing on my list:
1. Choose 7 recipes (1 or 2 new; the rest from my Keeper binder)
I have 2 three-ring binders. One I fill with new recipes found online or in magazines or cookbooks that I would like to try. The other is filled with "Keepers" - those recipes which I've tried and which taste good (very important to taste good).
I finally have at least 14 recipes which both I and my husband like, so these have become a 14-day rotation. In a month's time we only  have to eat each recipe twice. Again, a time saver since I don't have to rethink "what's for dinner" every night.
Next, I make an ingredient list from my seven chosen recipes.
2. Make ingredient list
If you're crunched for time this step can be eliminated. Just take the 7 recipes with you to the grocery store and check ingredients as you shop. Not as efficient, but doable.

Left overs
Next, of course, is to get the groceries.
3. Grocery shopping
This usually takes me an hour in the store, plus travel time. It's better if my refrigerator is cleaned out (eat all leftovers the night before) to make room for new stuff; and if my counters are cleared.

Groceries bought and back home. Now it's time for efficiency.
I eat a lot of quinoa since it's gluten free, a complete protein by itself, and is an alkaline food. Since it will stay fresh cooked for the week, I check all recipes, see how much I need, and make it all at once.
4. Make quinoa for the week, cool, then refrigerate
I do the same with rice (brown or black, depending on the recipes chosen).
5. Make rice for the week

Another way to save time is to prepare all vegetables needed for your recipes at once: peel carrots, scrub potatoes, wash celery, chop onions, scrub beets, cut and wash Brussels sprouts and broccoli. Once you get going, you get on a roll. If time permits, you could also put vegetables away grouped according to the recipe.

5 pound bag of carrots scrubbed and ready to package
6. Prep vegetables and put away
Since I usually juice at least once a day, I also prepare juice ingredients and package them in ziploc bags per recipe.
7. Carrot lemonade: Wash 6 carrots, 1/2 small lemon, 1 apple, 1 stalk of celery - ziploc it. Make two.
8. Beet juice: Scrub 1 small beet, wash 1 large cucumber, cut a 2" piece of fresh peeled ginger, cut pineapple in quarters - ziploc it. Make 2

9. Pink lemonade: wash 2 apples, wash 1 small lemon, scrub 1/4 beet - ziploc it. Make 2

10. Kale apple juice: wash 10 kale leaves, wash 1 apple, wash 1 cucumber, 1/2 whole lemon - ziploc it.
Now all seven juices are ready for the week - no more thinking required.
Another time saving tip I've found is to make sure I make twice as much for dinner as we need from each recipe, then we have leftovers for lunch the next day. Double for your trouble.
Wow, lots of prepping done. As a reward, it's time to order pizza out. Yup, I can get a gluten free, no cheese, delicious, vegetable pizza down the street at Stone and Paddle where one of my sons works. Sometimes I get a quick visit with him if he's not too busy.
Every time I'm able to do this prep routine at the beginning of my week, it leaves lots of brain space left for the rest of daily living, like blogging, teaching cooking classes, and making new recipes.

Now let me hear from you. What timesavers have you found helpful to make your life less overwhelming?


  1. Thanks Chef Becky for posting such an informative and helpful plan to efficiently and thoughtfully plan meals. It is quite a transition moving towards healthier eating because we are so used to grabbing whatever is quick and easy when we are in a time pinch. But as your schedule demonstrates...with a little thought and a good game plan, healthy foods are doable for most of us. Thanks again for sharing your wisdom.

    1. Thanks Babs. I went to a raw foods class today which was demo only so I didn't get to eat as much food as I thought. So when I got home I was able to quickly put together quinoa (which was cooked already), a diced zucchini and onion sauteed together with walnuts. I was eating in literally 5 minutes. It doesn't have to take long as long as you have the ingredients stocked in your kitchen. Thanks for your kind words.

  2. I LOVE how organized you are!!!!
    Julie Anne

    1. Isn't God good to give me that gift. I forget that it can be a struggle for others. Hence, the post.

    2. Thanks for the great ideas Becky. I've really enjoyed reading your posts. I hope that this comment will post--I've had trouble on other attempts. Jim and I will be doing some juicing again starting this week, so i really appreciate your sharing the idea of preparing and packaging the juice meals up for the week, that looks like it will be a big time saver. I didn't realize the Quinoa would keep for a week, I'll have to give that a try. It's great getting ideas to simplify meal planning. Doing a great job with your blog Becky, appreciate all the good information you've shared.

  3. Thanks for the great ideas Becky. Jim and I will be doing some juicing again starting this week, so i really appreciate your sharing the idea of preparing and packaging the juice meals up for the week, that looks like it will be a big time saver. I didn't realize the Quinoa would keep for a week, I'll have to give that a try. It's great getting ideas to simplify meal planning. Doing a great job with your blog Becky, appreciate all the good information you've shared.

  4. Great Ideas and time savers Becky! I like the 14 recipe rotation idea and the 3 Ring Binder Idea. I've recently found myself clipping many plant based recipes now and it would be good to have a Go-to Keepers binder that I can refer to for the recipes we've enjoyed having so far. I'll have to put the lemonade juices in there that I've tried. That Apple-Lemonade we had at your home was delicious and today I tried the Carrot/Apple/Lemon juice-- very tasty.

  5. Sherrie: Sorry you had so much trouble posting comments. I found there was a COMMENT SPAM. When I looked it up your comments were in there. If you have trouble again, let me know and I'll check the SPAM folder again. I'm so glad the ideas are helping you. Thanks for your kind words.
